our goal was to design an experiential event leading up to the release of "The Batman" (2021) film.
CREATING an escape room called "The Riddler's Trials", FEATURED at Fan Expo Canada
with a promotional campaign to drive hype and engagement.
aRT dIRECTORs: Marcus Macapinlac, Alyson Park
CREATING an escape room called "The Riddler's Trials", FEATURED at Fan Expo Canada
with a promotional campaign to drive hype and engagement.
aRT dIRECTORs: Marcus Macapinlac, Alyson Park
OOH Pole Banner

OOH Guerilla Sticker

Social Post


Designed on Adobe Dimension, a peek into The Riddler's Trials Escape Room 1/4

The Riddler's Trials Escape Room 2/4

The Riddler's Trials Escape Room 3/4

The Riddler's Trials Escape Room 4/4

Standing Banner (Front)

Standing Banner (Back)

Postcard (Front)